A delicious breakfast and we began our quest for a cell phone. The phone was pretty easy to find – the problem was getting someone to take a large bill. The bank that changed our money gave us 500 Euro notes and no store would accept them. Even when spending 100 Euros. Not even the banks in Kilkenny would change it. Eventually we realized we had to let go of the phone idea for the day if we wanted to see anything.
On we went to Kilkenny Castle. We missed the tour and would have waited hours for the next one. But we did walk the grounds and took pictures. It was beautiful! The stonework will probably not come through on the pictures as well as it looked in person.

Then on to Waterford, where we toured the crystal factory. One of the engravers did a demonstration. Truly amazing! He made it look so easy – of course these guys train for 10 years for this job. We bought a number of things and they will ship them home for us.
We checked into the B&B – St. Albans on Cork Road and went to Revolution for dinner.